About Us
Call Today! (410) 858-0021
All American Home Performance (AAHP) was introduced to the surrounding communities as a new division of Maryland Mold and Waterproofing (MMW) in late 2021 to help customers perform necessary and often costly house renovations at a discounted price with incentivized rebates from local power companies, pushing to lower energy consumption.
Maryland Mold and Waterproofing is and has frequently performed crawlspace, basement, and attic renovations that in turn made homes more energy efficient. But, with the recent influx of green energy marketing and federal regulations, many of the home projects performed by MMW would be viable candidates for potential rebates if only MMW became a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® (HPwES) certified contractor. So, that's exactly what we did by starting our energy division at MMW, All American Home Performance.
After roughly a year of behind the scenes training, certifications, and in house infrastructure, we were able to get the ball rolling into 2022. As MMW continues to focus on creating healthy basements, crawlspaces, and living spaces affected with mold and water intrusions, AAHP's focus is to tackle all facets of the energy-focused home improvement process. AAHP will do so in tandem with MMW services (basement/crawl space/attic/mold work), but also through the local mechanical trades (Plumbing/Electrical/HVAC) we have partnered with at AAHP to provide customers with a complete one stop shop that your home needs.